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Its 9am and I am at Dock Holidays. It worked out really well to camp here; I slept like a baby and was un-bothered. There are southwest winds today and tide is going with me so I’m going to try to meet up with my buddy Hank and his wife Lara. I have spent the last three nights in a row camping so a bed will be very nice. I had a really good time talking with Charles form the local paper, learned a lot about the area. This has been a unique stretch not the most beautiful but unique. In about an hour I will be in North Carolina! Hopefully tonight I will be able to get to a computer and write more. Lot’s of pictures to upload so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it into North Carolina! I am so proud of you
and that you are achieving the goal that you set for yourself.
Keep paddling -- only one more state between you and home! Yeah