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First off, good morning to Scott, thanks for your message the other day buddy.
I hope everyone had as nice a holiday weekend as I did. Saturday I left Debbie and Keith pretty early and as soon as I got on the water it started to rain and it was pretty ugly for most of the day. I pulled over and tried to wait it out. It didn’t really clear up too much, it died down a little but there was pretty heavy rain and north winds. I trudged on and made it about 16 or 17 miles. I stopped just south of Camp Lejeune which is a big marine base with a lot of restricted areas as well as a big prohibited island. You cant stop anywhere along the base and it was getting late so I thought it would be best to just camp out for the night before I started paddling by. I pulled into Swan Point Marina, they were having a big party, turns out it was customer appreciation day, they were very nice to include me and Paul the owner let me camp right in the boatyard. Thank you Paul! By the way, Debbie and Keith, what a character Keith is, had a great time with you both, thank you.

Sunday, it seemed fitting to paddle by Camp Lejeune on Memorial Day weekend. There are thousands of marines stationed at Camp Lejeune, a huge base, this is where they do a lot of artillery testing and there are some active ranges there. Sunday of a holiday weekend I figured they wouldn’t be blowing anything up but I thought it would be better to paddle by quickly and to be safe rather then sorry. I stopped in Swansborough at the Barrier Island Kayak Company, I had contacted them earlier in the day and the owner Lamar let me pull up there on their beach. They were very nice and gave me a lot of local insight. I was going to camp close by but Lamar was nice enough to offer me his converted shrimp boat for the night which was anchored right off shore, she is called Savannah, cool little boat with a great deck and I sat up there for hours, there was an awesome view. I intended to get up really early the next day and paddle up to Moorhead city but I ended up staying there so I could watch the lax game which was dying to see. Unfortunately Hopkins lost, but I am glad I stayed and watched it. Today I am I heading for Adams Creek marina is where I intend to camp.

Thank you to Lamar, Debbie, Keith and Paul.

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