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4.11.08 8:50am ET

Sorry it has been so long, I hope nobody has been worrying about me. I am fine in fact I have a roof over my head tonight.

I started out yesterday morning with a hard paddle continuing up the Indian River. The wind was coming out of the east 15-20 miles an hour; I hopped from island to island along the west taking cover from the wind when I could. I saw so many manatees, almost 15 just today! I passed the coolest island I have seen so far Grant Farm Island. Great houses, not that big, but with a lot of character. There I saw a sea turtle that followed me for a little bit which was pretty neat. The Indian River lagoon is really wide and straight so you ca see very far in the distance. As I have mentioned before, when I see a bridge in the distance, it might take three hours to reach. The islands were starting to end and the sun was dropping so I was worried about finding a place to stay, I went as far as I could…. By the time the sun set at 745, I still hadn’t set. I was very very fortunate to find a spot, although it wasn’t a perfect spot as it was very illegal being on someone’s property. There was just enough room for me to put up my hammock. In the middle of the night I heard a loud sound and realized it was sprinklers! I was on someone’s property. There were also spotlights underneath the trees.

I was up on the water by 7:30, paddled about 18 miles. A ways up Merit Island, just north of coco beach, about 5 miles from Kennedy Space Center. I am staying with some really nice folks from Maryland. Devon (a young boy actually) came out to meet me as I was paddling in…

We had a great dinner, I was able to buy some food and supplies…tomorrow I will be reevaluating my food situation, recuperating and site seeing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to hear things are going well! BTW: the O's are 6-3, leading the AL East!