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What a doosey! 4.07.08 9:20am ET

Today was some of the hardest paddling I have ever done. Ever. I am in the Indian River now and it’s very wide and the wind was coming out of the Northwest which made it very tough to paddle. I was hugging the west shore to try and buffer myself and of course all of a sudden the wind picks up and changes direction, the northeast and I find myself on the wrong side. This stretch is very straight and wide. I might see a bridge in the distance and it takes 2 and ½ hours until I reach that bridge. It plays with your mind so I have to be patient.
The one redeeming part of the day was that this morning I slept in and for whatever reason I packed my pee Nalgene in the front bulkhead. I am not sure why. Of course, I needed to pee 1 hour in. the wind was too strong to lean over the side. I thought I would go over to the side to pee. As I was heading over to the bank, I caught a glimpse of a manaray jumping out of the water. He made a huge splash!
Even with the bad conditions, I made it to where I had intended….Just past Fort Peirce inlet. The one that I had intended to camp on which is called Boy Scout island was filled with trash, which was a little disheartening, I hope that’s not what they are teaching boy scouts these days.
I kept going, which I thought I might regret, but I was happy to find a small grassy island. I met a nice family who was also camping on the island. The husband and the young son promised not to come scare me in the middle of the night. Today I will be paddling with some men from the local kayak club.

Check out my current location!


margo said...

Wooohooo! That wind can beat ya up, can't it! Have fun w/ the gang. So glad you blogged--I'm loving following this trip. Have you seen any manatees yet? I'm totally stoked for you. Keep paddling!

Anonymous said...

Just checkin' in on ya. So much fun to be an armchair kayaker!