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GRRR, not there yet

I can now see GA but am not there yet.

After 2 hours of charting and strategizing yesterday I decided to start paddling at 4 pm, a little before low tide. My thinking was that I could get up to the north end of Amelia Is. by the time the current from the incoming tide really picked up and then I could cross Cumberland Sound and ride the current as it filled in the waterway behind Cumberland Is. Well, that didn't work out so well.

The current got strong sooner then I anticipated, there was a strong afternoon head wind, and the moon didn't rise till very late last night. Today was probably the windiest day yet, of course straight out of the north, so I took the day off......

TOMORROW, I paddle into Georgia!
(no fooling around this time - I have a better strategy)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, no updates for a while. You must be really cruising. How is Georgia? You to Savannah yet? Live and direct from Shags?