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big ups to my main man wayne

I have a confession to make, I didn't paddle yesterday, I took the day off. Friday night, I was worn out. Fortunately, my new friend Wayne, who is a connection through a family friend was able to save the day. He drove down from Vero Beach to pick me up, he strapped my boat to his car and put the gear inside, brought me to his place and gave me a bed to sleep. I was like a zombie, I crashed, it was probably the best night sleep I ever had. Yesterday I met some of his friends, also from Baltimore, we ate some crabs and I had a great day to recover, make some connections and plan. 

This morning, he brought me back to the same beach that he picked me up from. It was important to me that I resumed paddling in the same spot I had left off in. I saw a lot of sting rays and ibisses today. A pelican flew right at me and was hovering over the water, neither of us wanted to change our tragectories... at the last minute, he flew right over my head, I could have reached up to grab him but I let it go, knowing that I won. Right now I am stopped on a small beach I am going to this funky little bed and breakfast that is supposed to be really cool. I am looking forwrad to it because there is a town that I can walk to and pick up some more food supplies. 
Thanks again Wayne you are my hero...
Stay tuned for more!

Shout out to Koop-aloop and his eggs benedict


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


What an amazing experience you are having! What a gift Wayne was to you
at just the perfect time for a rest
and a connection. I hope we can meet Wayne sometime and return the hospitality

Be safe.
Your biggest fan

Anonymous said...

my eggs-"dict" are the money. i'll make you some when you get back, buddy. Keep on keepin on
