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Sunday April 13th, 9:00pm ET

Click here to see my exact location!!

(Picture to the left is of the Night Swan B and B!)
Sorry it’s been so long since my last update, Friday was a fantastic day off, and I got rested up. I owe a lot of gratitude to the King Family, Devon and Deanna. First we went and saw The Cape Canaveral Locke, which was great because I had never seen a functioning lock before. We went downtown and they showed me Cocoa Beach, we had lunch at happening place called coconuts. It felt like I was on vacation. Devon was full of local knowledge and for a third grader, I was very impressed. Yesterday, I finally had a south wind. Went about 30 miles, finally left the Indian River lagoon. Even with the wind on my side, it was still a tricky day, if you don’t pay attention; you end up getting hit by big waves over the deck. I was pretty wet all day yesterday because I paddled without my skirt. I went through the lagoon and found a place to camp on the other side. My camping spot was less then ideal. I got up this morning and was on the water by 8:00. There was a huge headwind; probably 15-20 miles an hour, it was pretty rough. I was able to hop from small island to island but still with the wind I wasn’t making very good progress. About noon it started to rain, so I wasn’t making a lot of progress. I made it to East Mirna which was my target and shacked up in a fantastic spot called the Night Swan which is a little bed and breakfast along the water just south of the Bridge. I took a really long hot shower, went into town and got a great meal. This is where Ponce de Leon stopped for resupplying and was attacked by Indians. It’s the largest colonized settlement by far, three times larger then Virginia.

Very cool, historic downtown, everything is in walking distance, its an awesome town that I wish I could spend more time in. breakfast tomorrow at 730, then I am out of here and I hope to get to Daytona Beach

Type at your later,


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