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4.4.08 3:00pm

Lots to update since last time:

Yesterday left the canal and entered into Lake Worth, it was very windy. Paddled until about 5:30, 6:00 with no word back from the marina I was interested in staying, I decided to stay at an island I found called Hunters Island which looked nice. I circled and found the best spot, facing west, left my batteries to charge up a bit with my solar panel. I then cruised over to another island to try to find a place to set up my hammock. I found a great spot on a teeny little island, went back, got my solar panels…I set up and secured the boat, found out that it was new moon today, and there was an extremely high tide, started to worry my island was going to disappear. Fortunately it didn’t and I made it through another night! Now I am resting on Jupiter Island, its 3pm I have been paddling all day. Came through the rest of Lake Worth today… I passed Peanut Island which was cool; Kennedy had his fall out shelter there. The water there was real clear. I finally saw one of those big sharks; it must have been four feet or so. I am pretty exhausted, I might rest for an hour or so but then I’m going to try to paddle some more….

I am happy to have officially have left Southern Florida!

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