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Right down by da beach, boy!

Yesterday, 4.17.08, I woke up and was upset to find out that they put out a small craft advisory the night before, which meant I would be paddling in a lot of wind but I decide to go anyhow, it was only 25 miles to where I had intended. I had a set goal because I made a reservation in Gamble Rogers state park for a campsite for the night. Once you make a reservation you can’t cancel or alter it.
The wind was awful, right in my face and yesterday’s course was perfectly straight, as straight as Wilt Chamberlin. So I had no cover at all, and I paddled along the side as best as I could, but the wind was in my face all day. I saw lots of good places to stop and camp but didn’t want to waste my reservation.
Made it there about 6:30… Found out the campsite was quite a walk from where I had to leave my boat, which I wasn’t happy about. I tried to load up on just the bare necessities for the night to make one trip up to the campsite. I got a ride from my “neighbor” to a place called High Tide where I had some beers and loaded up on calories and then got to bed early.
The park is actually cool because it is right on the beach and I have electricity and a shower so I am happier today. I found out this area used to be a lookout for German U boats during WW1 and then was given to the Park Department after the war. It is pretty cool, beautiful beach; Gamble Rogers (I wasn’t sure who he was) was apparently a Florida folk singer who was very popular and died while trying to save another swimmer in the surf.
I think I am going to hang out for a bit, its hot, its about 35r miles to St. Augustine, which I am excited to get to, everyone is saying how much I am going to love it. I plan on starting around dusk today and paddling in the full moon tonight and then hopefully arrive in the morning so I can enjoy St. Augustine during the day.

That’s the plan
Stay tuned to see if it changes

Check out my current location!
note: as I'm dictating this blog a long black racer snake just slithered by. A little to close for my liking.


Unknown said...

I'll talk to Turtle, Rob and Scotty about setting up a pool for when you'll arrive on the Rock (if they haven't already, haven't been up to Shag's in a week). Keep on truckin' brotha!

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