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Update- getting nowhere fast 4.15.08 12:25pm ET

(I tried to capture the essence of the wind in this one. I call it: The Wind from Within (I know, you can't even tell its windy))

I have been paddling for 3 hours in a tremendous headwind and I am not making much progress. In the last three hours, I have only gone about 6 miles. It’s the coldest day so far, it’s windy; my radio says guts up to 20-30 miles an hour with gusts up to Gail force. I am not even sure what Gail force is exactly, but it can’t be good.
Fortunately I am seven miles from a camping site I found in Port Orange, just south of Daytona. I am going to push through the wind, make it to the camping site and hopefully get to Daytona tomorrow. I miss the Night Swan already.
This morning after crossing under the bridge, I saw a path branching off the left through the mangroves, thinking I was being clever, I thought I would take it as a shortcut. I looked at my map and it looked like a shortcut.
After paddling for about 25 minutes, I saw two fishermen and asked them
“Oh this is a dead end” not only was this embarrassing, but I had to backtrack and retrace my steps which cost me about 45 minutes. I have learned my lesson not to take shortcuts unless they have been more scouted out!

This can only end in tragedy

(new pictures!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to see how things are going...I' having fun following your progress.

Maloney's steam kettles just sounded good, and then the pictures...
I bet that was good.

It wont be long until your in Cumberland Sound and the Peach tree state.

Keep paddling and thanks for all the updates and pictures. I dont know if I could be that faithful in posting all the time... I guess really all you have to do it paddle and post, paddle and post, paddle and post.
